Hey guys! Hope your week is going well. In today’s post I will explain you how to get the pee stains out of a mattress.

Those of you who have kids know all about how difficult it is to clean pee out of a mattress. Because of the structure of a mattress this task can turn out to be a nightmare. However, you must make an attempt to clean it or you will be left with a smelly unusable mattress. I have a lot of friends asking me if I know how to do it (the easy way and not having to hire a professional mattress cleaning company). So few days ago I came with this simple solution.

In the the past I used a very similar DIY method to clean dried out stains and odors from carpets so I decided to slightly adapt this recipe to make it mattress-friendly too.

You will need some baking soda (3tbps), hydrogen peroxide 3% (1 tbps), and just a couple of drops of liquid hand dish washing soap.

Mix the ingredients into a paste. Apply to mattress and gently scrub. Keep it for three or four hours (or until the paste dries out completely), then vacuum it off. What’s good about this method is that it’s efficient even when it comes to pet stains.

Not only is this a simple method it’s cheap and eco friendly too! All the smells will be gone and you don’t have to use expensive and hazardous chemicals.